Enjoying a fresh outfit, and feeling confident in your new surroundings. You will feel great in your professional outfit, for example for a job application or for special occasions. How do you clean soiled clothing? The clothing could be thrown in the wash, but if they are delicate or have embellishments on them that will not withstand the motion created by the spin cycle. It is best to dry clean in this scenario. Your carpet cleaner gordon will be able to explain. Learn more?

Dry cleaning has become a popular way for people to preserve their garments. The dry cleaners are not limited to only expensive garments. You can get everything cleaned, from your bed sheets to everyday clothes.

Why then do people dry clean? It will increase the durability of your garments. It is possible for clothes like silk and wool to be damaged by the abrasive cleaning chemicals in washing machines. Dry cleaning is a safer alternative. It uses a mild agent to clean your clothing.

You can use dry cleaning to get rid of stains you can’t remove with washing. Dry cleaning removes even the hardest stains including wine, coffee and grease. And, unlike DIY methods of stain removal you will not have to worry that the stain may get worse or cause fabric damage.

But don’t forget to practice good hygiene. It is possible that clothes may still be contaminated with microorganisms after being worn for several hours. Dry-washing destroys bacteria by using high temperature machines.

Steam Star Carpet, Upholstery & Tile Cleaning
1a/802 Pacific Hwy, Gordon NSW 2072
(02) 83112088